Thursday, July 07, 2005

In Other News: Rove and Plame-gate? Could Rove Be Indicted?

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL of The Huffington Post reports that, though difficult, levying charges against someone who intentionally reveals the identity of a covert agent is indeed still possible and Karl Rove could be indicted.

The statute indicates that, in order for one to be convicted of such a charge, the following must be proven:

1. That subject must have been a covert agent at the time of exposure.
2. The exposer had to have known the subject was a covert agent.
3. The exposer had to have known the covert agent was taking measures to reveal his/her identity.
4. The exposer had to have had authorized access to the covert agent's information.

Based on the information we currently know, these four prongs certainly leave enough wiggle room for Rove to squeal out of. However, there are definitely several pieces missing from the puzzle; namely, 8 blank (due to containing classified information) pages from Circuit Court Judge David Tatel's court opinion on the ruling as to whether reporters Judith Miller and Matt Cooper should be forced to reveal their sources. Tatel, according to O'Donnell, reluctantly sided with the prosecution because of “the gravity of the suspected crime.”

And the basis for O'Donnell's decision is located in those 8 blank pages.


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