Friday, November 04, 2005

Wash. Post-ABC News Poll: Majority Question Bush's Integrity

THERE'S MORE BAD NEWS for the Bush presidency as the Washington Post reports that for the first time a majority of Americans are questioning George W. Bush's integrity.

Bush Approval Rating: 39%
Bush Disapproval Rating: 60%

Only 40% view Bush as "honest and trustworthy"-a 13% drop over the past 18 months. Even his bread-and-butter issue--the war on terrorism--51% now disapprove of Bush's handling of the issue.

Here are some numbers that may be the cause of Bush's crankiness:

Troubling results for the White House regarding Plamegate:

  • 52% say the Scooter Libby indictment "signals the presence of deeper ethical wrongdoing.
  • 50% believe that Karl Rove, Bush's Deputy Chief of Staff, did something wrong and 6 in 10 said he should resign.

Polling on Ethics:

  • 67% rated the Bush administration negatively in handling ethical matters
  • 43% say ethics and honesty-attributes that Bush ran on during his 2000 - have fallen during his presidency - only 17% say they have risen

Among independents:

  • Independent support for Bush has plummeted to a 33% approval rating (In January Bush had a 49% approval rating from independents)

On Iraq:

  • Almost 2/3 disapprove of Bush's handling of the war in Iraq
  • 6 in 10 now believe it was wrong to invade Iraq
  • 55% believe the Bush administration deliberately misled the public into leading them into war with Iraq

Is Bush out of touch?

  • 58% believe Bush doesn't share their values
  • 40% say he does (another all-time low for Bush)


Blogger smalltownhick said...

Bush won't be running in the next election.
Just his ideas.
And the ideas are not trailing at the polls.

7:41 PM  
Blogger Bradley Herring said...

I completely disagree. His ideas, or rather, those of his "handlers", are going to be pushed to the curb, not because the Republicans will feel they are wrong, but for political reasons. They will move (already are moving) toward the center to distance themselves from this disgrace of a presidency.

However, the blatant corporatism and imperialism that is so destroying this nation will continue, more or less, no matter who is inaugurated.

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Hick... you do realize that his policies go directly against your own economic interests, assuming you really are a small town hick (and why the hell is being an ignorant hick en vogue now?).

When you or your children are drafted into a never ending war, you will see that Bush doesn't give a shit about you.

When you can't pay your mortgage or rent because you still make the same amount of money but inflation has made everything unaffordable, you will see that Bush doesn't give a shit about you.

When you have to declare bankruptcy to try to save your home, and still have to pay off half your bills while corporations can stiff their creditors, you'll see that Bush doesn't give a shit about you.

When your job is outsourced to China and you have to work for an unlivable minimum wage at Walmart, selling those products made by someone who now has your job, you'll see that Bush doesn't give a shit about you.

When you're stuck on Medicare because you lost your health insurance along with your job, and they won't cover those prescriptions you need the most because the GOPhucks in Congress just gutted the program, you'll see that Bush doesn't give a shit about you.

When your daughter or sister is raped, becomes pregnant, and is forced to get a back alley abortion which ruins her chances of having a child of her choosing, you'll see that Bush doesn't give a shit about either of you.

Wake the FUCK UP!

It's not about conservative or liberal, it's about who will stand up for us, the middle class. Who will protect us, our civil liberties, our jobs, our quality of life. Who will really secure our nation, instead of paying lip service while handing out no bid contracts to his buddies that fuck up the job anyway.

1:02 PM  

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