There Are TWO Stories: Katrina AND Iraq
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON makes a valid point in her blog today. National news coverage of the war in Iraq has seemed to fall to the waistside because of the Gulf Coast disaster. The ever-eloquent Ms. Huffington argues that the news networks "will just have to join the 21st Century and learn how to multi-task -- and cover two disasters at the same time."
I guess this means CNN will now have to be brought to you split-screen: the left for Iraq and the right for Katrina. The bottom will feature a running ticker-tape telling you the latest sports scores, national headlines, the latest fashion for "Bennifer 2.0" / Brad-Jen-Angelina affair / Michael Jackson or whatever god-awful celebrity news eats the headlines.
All news, of course, would be periodically interrupted by rambling, blithering commentary brought to you by Anderson Cooper.
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