Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of the Union

I DIDN'T WATCH IT. I like to keep my sanity and watching Bush fumble over words and splurt out concepts he doesn't understand is so passe.

But I hear he did mention something about America being addicted to oil. Isn't Bush lecturing on environmental awareness and oil-dependency like Bill Gates saying "don't use computers" or Rush Limbaugh self-righteously judging his viewers on the dangers of drug-dependency? Isn't the Bush family built on good 'ol fashioned Texas oil?

Methinks Dubya will not be investing in windmills and solar panels anytime soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just like you commie, hippie, douche liberals to attack Bush for saying we're addicted to oil. He actually wants to do something about it -- what Democrat president ever did? I'll answer: NONE! Cause none of them have the balls that the big man from Texas who believes in God the Almighty praise His name has and they never will. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

10:00 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Clinton actually visited Saudi Arabia and urged them to invest in windmills. They all thought he was nuts.

And no, I'm not a commie or a hippie but thanks for playing.

2:41 PM  

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