Spooking the Spooks
CIA DIRECTOR PORTER GOSS has reportedly launched an internal investigation to try to uncover the person (or persons) responsible for leaking classified information regarding secret prisons in Eastern Europe, according to an exclusive ABC News article.
Nevermind the constitutionality of running such prisons. Nevermind undermining our Eastern European allies. Nevermind detaining persons without due process or oversight. Instead, let's focus our attention on anonymous whistleblowers, those who follow in the footsteps of Voltaire, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
This is another citation that further proves that the current Bush administration is not concerned about morality, democracy or the rule of law; they are only concerned about keeping power in a drumbeating manner against a phantom opponent.
Mr. Goss, when you do find the culprits, be sure to let everyone know. They deserve medals.
Weren't they briefly trying to do the same thing about the illegal domestic wiretapping, trying to prosecute whoever leaked the info to the Times? Until, of course, they learned it was someone in the White House. Did Rove go rogue?
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