Wash. Post-ABC News Poll: Majority Question Bush's Integrity
THERE'S MORE BAD NEWS for the Bush presidency as the Washington Post reports that for the first time a majority of Americans are questioning George W. Bush's integrity.
Bush Approval Rating: 39%
Bush Disapproval Rating: 60%
Only 40% view Bush as "honest and trustworthy"-a 13% drop over the past 18 months. Even his bread-and-butter issue--the war on terrorism--51% now disapprove of Bush's handling of the issue.
Here are some numbers that may be the cause of Bush's crankiness:
Troubling results for the White House regarding Plamegate:
- 52% say the Scooter Libby indictment "signals the presence of deeper ethical wrongdoing.
- 50% believe that Karl Rove, Bush's Deputy Chief of Staff, did something wrong and 6 in 10 said he should resign.
Polling on Ethics:
- 67% rated the Bush administration negatively in handling ethical matters
- 43% say ethics and honesty-attributes that Bush ran on during his 2000 - have fallen during his presidency - only 17% say they have risen
Among independents:
- Independent support for Bush has plummeted to a 33% approval rating (In January Bush had a 49% approval rating from independents)
On Iraq:
- Almost 2/3 disapprove of Bush's handling of the war in Iraq
- 6 in 10 now believe it was wrong to invade Iraq
- 55% believe the Bush administration deliberately misled the public into leading them into war with Iraq
Is Bush out of touch?
- 58% believe Bush doesn't share their values
- 40% say he does (another all-time low for Bush)