Thursday, February 09, 2006

Apologies Apologies

I THINK PEOPLE should apologize for asking for too many apologies. If they don't apologize, then they should apologize for not apologizing for asking for too many apologies. I'm deeply offended and I think those apologies are desperately needed and since they're not apologizing, I demand an apology for all of those apologies that haven't been delivered. Without an apology, they can't appropriately deeply regret that they asked for an apology when an apology wasn't issued without the asking. I mean, if you need to ask for an apology, is that apology truly sincere? I demand an apology for all those apologies out there.

If not, I will boycott everything that person/entity stands for. And I will not issue an apology for my boycott.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Calling All 'Tooners

IRAN'S MOST POPULAR NEWSPAPER has decided to host a contest on cartoons covering the Holocaust, according to an Al Jazeera article.

Iran, sure, hold your contest, publish a whole bunch of obsene political cartoons depicting the atrocities of the Holocaust. But a) the Western media will not publish them outside the context of this issue and b) you will not see Jews rioting and trashing embassies for revenge.

This response from the Iranians only dictate that Middle Eastern Muslims' core values are honor, pride, and revenge. Their religious values are not based on spiritual self-reflection, only of what others perceive of them. This explains why the concepts of "martyrdom" in the name of suicide bombings and jihad are pervasive throughout the Arab-Muslim world.

One last note: recall that it was not Israel nor the United States that published the cartoons: it was Denmark. This Iranian revenge tactic is not directed specifically at the Danish, but rather Israelis and the Jewish community. No doubt the Arab world blames Israel and America for the so-called blasphemy against the Muslim religion.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Spooking the Spooks

CIA DIRECTOR PORTER GOSS has reportedly launched an internal investigation to try to uncover the person (or persons) responsible for leaking classified information regarding secret prisons in Eastern Europe, according to an exclusive ABC News article.

Nevermind the constitutionality of running such prisons. Nevermind undermining our Eastern European allies. Nevermind detaining persons without due process or oversight. Instead, let's focus our attention on anonymous whistleblowers, those who follow in the footsteps of Voltaire, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

This is another citation that further proves that the current Bush administration is not concerned about morality, democracy or the rule of law; they are only concerned about keeping power in a drumbeating manner against a phantom opponent.

Mr. Goss, when you do find the culprits, be sure to let everyone know. They deserve medals.

Mohammed Mohammed Jihad Mohammed


Beheading infidels, okay; strapping on TNT and blowing up infidels, okay; depicting the prophet Mohammed in a cartoon...BLASPHEMY...KILL THE INFIDELS...DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO ISRAEL!